L’Shannah Tovah! The High Holidays are fast approaching and we hope the New Year brings health and happiness to you and yours. Enclosed is the information about CBT’s High Holiday Services at Voorhees Middle School. We hope you will find the holiday services both enjoyable and meaningful.
This packet contains information on:
- Tickets for High Holiday Services
- Guest and Non-Member Tickets
- Selichot and Tashlich
- High Holiday Services 2016-5777 Schedule (dates, times, locations)
- Study Session on Yom Kippur
- Healing Circle and Service on Yom Kippur
- Youth Programs for Children and Teens
- Tikvah Tots
- Meditation Room
- Yizkor Booklet
- Yizkor Booklet Order Form (please send in the form by September 7 – no kidding!)
If you have questions about the information in this packet, please contact the synagogue office at 856-983-8090. We look forward to seeing you at services and beginning the New Year together.