Our Staff and Leadership

Our Staff & Leadership


Pamela Jay Gottfried (she/her) is excited to serve as the rabbi at Congregation Beth Tikvah in Marlton, NJ. Believing the essential meaning of rabbi is “my teacher,” she strives in her rabbinate to help individual students of all ages reach their potential.

Since her rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, Rabbi Gottfried has taught in churches, colleges, community centers, mosques, retreat centers, schools, summer camps, and synagogues. She is a member of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association (RRA) and the Interim Ministry Network (IMN). Most recently, she served congregations in Metro Atlanta, as an interim rabbi at Temple Kol Emeth and the second rabbi at Congregation Beth Haverim. She previously served as the Scholar-in-Residence and Dean of Jewish Studies at The Weber School, where she developed interdisciplinary curriculum with the Spanish department, taught Jewish Literature and Law (Bible, Midrash & Talmud) and art in a team-taught course (Jewish Symbolism). Rabbi Gottfried also taught ceramics and Judaics at Camp Ramah Darom. As an artist, she often incorporates creative expression and message-driven art in her teaching of teens and adults.

A strong proponent of pluralism and innovation, Rabbi Gottfried is a board member of Bayit, a collaborative community of liturgists, artists, game designers, and educators creating tools for Jewish life in the 21st century. She is an alumna of Clal’s Rabbis Without Borders and LEAP fellowships, where she trained to help people access Jewish wisdom and culture. She was also an active member of local organizations that promoted multi-faith conversation and education.

Deeply committed to environmental, racial and social justice, she was an activist and volunteer in the LGBTQIA+ community, working with SOJOURN: Southern Jewish Resource Network for Gender & Sexual Diversity, Georgia Equality and GA Unites Against Discrimination, HIAS, the New Sanctuary Movement and Jewish Climate Action Network of Georgia (JCAN-GA). Rabbi Gottfried also served on the Clergy Advisory Group at MACoM: Metro Atlanta Community Mikvah.

Rabbi Gottfried is the author of Found in Translation: Common Words of Uncommon Wisdom, and is currently working on a collection of creative nonfiction, My Manicure & Other Musings, which includes stories and poems about her experiences as a parent and rabbi. In addition to participating in Daf Yomi and attending Spiritual Poetry Writing classes, she spends her free time reading novels, solving The New York Times crossword puzzles, playing Scrabble with her spouse, David, and taking walks with their faithful canine companion, Henry.

Rabbi Gary Gans
Gary Gans, Rabbi Emeritus

Gary Gans, Rabbi Emeritus since August 2016, first came to Congregation Beth Tikvah as our full-time rabbi in 1981, when the synagogue was a ranch house surrounded by corn fields in rural Marlton.

Rabbi Gans received a B.A. from Rutgers University and holds a master’s degree in psycho-educational processes from Temple University. A graduate student at Hebrew University in Jerusalem for two years, he also attended Gratz Hebrew College in Philadelphia to obtain certifications and licenses as a teacher and principal.

Committed to life-long study, Rabbi Gans earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in counseling from the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC), where he was ordained in 1979.

He participated in a post doctorate program in family therapy at Penn Council for Relationships at the University of Pennsylvania. He is board certified as a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of New Jersey specializing in family therapy.

He currently serves as a chaplain with the Evesham police department and is a cruise ship rabbi. He is a past president of the Tri-County Board of Rabbis.

Rabbi Gans married Rabbi Ilene Schneider while they were both students at RRC. They are the second longest married rabbinic couple in the U.S. and the third longest married in the world. They have two adult sons, Natan and Ari. Rabbi Schneider has written several rabbinic murder mysteries and is also the former director of Jewish hospice for Samaritan Hospice in Marlton.

Rabbi Gans is an amateur radio operator (kosher HAM!) with the call sign N2EEF. He is also deeply interested in genealogy and has led many seminars on the topic in the U.S. and Israel.

Cantor Joseph Lebovic
Joseph Lebovic, Cantor

Since 1986, congregants at Congregation Beth Tikvah have enjoyed the strong and melodious voice of Cantor Joseph Lebovic.

Born in the Czech Republic to Cantor David and Mina Lebovic, CBT’s cantor is the youngest of a three-generation cantorial legacy. His grandfather, Joseph, shared his love of Judaism and music with his son David, who in turn inspired his son, our own Cantor Joseph Lebovic.

He earned a B.S. in psychology from Temple University and studied music theory and voice development at the Settlement Music School in Philadelphia. He graduated from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry and worked in a cantorial position at Beth Jacob-Beth Israel, formerly of Merchantville, before joining Rabbi Gans on the bimah.

Cantor Lebovic participates in local Jewish choirs in South Jersey, including his stint as a guest soloist for the South Jersey Chorus (a secular choir with 60 singers), for Temple Beth Sholom and for the choir of the Board of Cantors of Greater Philadelphia.

Cantor Lebovic married Sophie Klein, who became one of CBT’s most popular Hebrew school teachers until she retired. Together they raised three children: Yael, Miryam and Avi, and they greatly enjoy their beloved grandchildren: Nathan and Raya, Layna and Owen, and Dalia and Jonah.

Michelle Meyer
Michele Meyer, Education Director

Following in the footsteps of her father and grandfather, Morah Meyer is a veteran Jewish educator. Her father, Errol Schlesinger, was the longtime director of education at Congregation Adath Emanuel in Mt. Laurel, and her grandfather was the longtime director of education at Beth Emeth Congregation in Philadelphia.

Before becoming CBT’s education director, Morah Meyer served as a religious school educator, a youth group advisor, and a college professor. She recently became a JECELI (Jewish Early Childhood Education Leadership Institute) fellow, a two-year program through Gratz College.

Morah Meyer grew up in New Jersey, lived in Illinois for 12 years and, upon returning, joined CBT as our education director while also working at the Sari Isdaner Early Childhood Center at the Katz Jewish Community Center as a teacher and Jewish educator.

Marie DeBow, Administrator

Marie DeBow joined the staff at CBT in 2022, taking on the role as administrator. Marie has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Drexel University and continuing her education.

Prior to joining CBT, she worked as an Office Manager for a synagogue in Delaware County, PA for 5+ years. She organized community events such as blood and food drives. Her responsibilities included Bar/Bat Mitzvah planning, marketing and working with the community to plan fundraising events.

She is a proud mother of 3 and resides in South Jersey. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga and volunteering.

Lynne Weinstein, Office Manager

Lynne Natal Weinstein has been Congregation Beth Tikvah’s office manager for over a decade.

Raised in Camden, she grew up four doors away from Congregation Beth El, a synagogue founded by her grandparents and several other congregants. She attended Beth El from kindergarten through Confirmation and continued her Jewish education in the first class of the community-sponsored junior college, known as Midrashah. She launched her Hebrew teaching career when she was a high school senior.

In addition to her office manager responsibilities at CBT, Lynne teaches the Mechinah class and loves having a relationship with the congregation’s students. Seeing the smiles and looks of achievement on their faces as they share her love of Judaism keeps her going. “CBT is exactly the way Beth El was when I was growing up…a small, caring community that joins together as a family supporting each other through thick and thin.”

Lynne loves the spirit and excitement that one feels upon entering the building and feels privileged to work with the rabbis and staff.

Lynne raised four children and has seven grandchildren, two of whom attend CBT.

Congregation Leadership

Marissa Whitmore

Finance Vice President
Janet Rand

Vice Presidents at Large
Max Brandy
Eileen Brandy

David Blask

Joel Mosko

Lindsay Freedman
Fran Rosenfeld
Stephen Hawk
Lisa Shank
Howie Friedman
Tema Steele

Committee Chairs
Adult Education:
Roberta Braverman
Ellen Krivchenia
Dennis Meyerson
Funds Development:
Aaron Wolf
Building, Technology & Security:
Paul Fau
David Gladfelter
Membership Co-Chairs:
Staci Shaub & Janet Grosso
Sylvia Jacobs
Jim Green
School Co-Chairs:
Naomi Love & Neomi Eliezer
Social Action:
Ken Berlin

Past Presidents
Norman Levithan z”l
Donna Snyder
Nancy Horowitz
Sylvia Jacobs
Michael Lewis
Allyson Bernstein
Arlene Lewis
Dr. Mark Waltzer
Rachel Kreimer